Véra Eisenmann

E. gmelini ? from Kostroma

mercredi 22 novembre 2017

In 2000, Sergue௠Petrovich Maslov sent me photos and some measures of a caballine cranium found on the banks or the river Unji in the Kostroma area (58°N-45°E) between the villages of Dmitrovo and Ugory.
Previously fossils of Mammutus primigenius, Bison priscus and others were found in the vicinity of these villages and of Shilovo.

Cranium measurements, other than those provided by Maslov, were taken on his photos after haven been worked approximately to scale.
Simpson’s diagram shows a resemblance with the specimens (in bad shape) of E. gmelini, “Tarpan†, preserved in Sankt-Petersburg and Moscow.

The small size of protocones is another argument for considering this attribution.


Documents joints

22 novembre 2017
info document : Excel
29 kio

22 novembre 2017
info document : Excel
9.1 kio

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