Véra Eisenmann

Craniological definitions of Groups A and B, and of Cormohipparions

lundi 31 mai 2010

Craniological definition of Group A versus Group B

The first scatter diagram (SD-1) shows that Group A is characterized by a short naso-incisival notch (NIN=30), Group B – by a long NIN relative to the length of the cheek (31).

Craniological definition of Cormohipparions versus other archaic skulls

Cormohipparions (SD-2) are characterized by a long preorbital bar (32) relative to the NIN (30).

Documents joints

Scatter diagram 1

31 mai 2010
info document : Excel
67 kio

Scatter diagram 2

31 mai 2010
info document : Excel
72 kio

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