Véra Eisenmann
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Hipparions from East Africa

Articles in this section

Shungura Formation, Member L (Hipparions from Omo Valley, Ethiopia)

Tuesday 28 April 2015
The material is very poor (Fig.L1 and L2).

Shungura Formation, VEO (Hipparions from Omo Valley, Ethiopia)

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Tentative interpretation of Hipparion incisors morphologies (Hipparions from Omo Valley, Ethiopia)

Tuesday 28 April 2015
Distinction between upper and lower incisors In upper incisors the occlusal mark (enamel ring corresponding to the infundibulum) is farther away from the lingual border and closer to the vestibular than in the lowers; the crown is more curved (Fig.1). Distinction between ‘evolved’ grazer (…)

Melka Kunturé, Ethiopie (Hipparion from Melka Kunturé)

Tuesday 28 April 2015

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