Véra Eisenmann
Home > Tools (English) > System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English) > System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English)

System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English)

Articles in this section

Calcaneum (System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English))

Saturday 10 October 2009
Calcaneum, System of measurements

Femur (System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English))

Saturday 10 October 2009
Femur, System of measurements

Humerus (System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English))

Saturday 10 October 2009
Humerus, System of measurements

Mandible (System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English))

Saturday 10 October 2009
Mandibles, System of measurements Mandibule, Système de mesures

Metapodials (System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English))

Saturday 10 October 2009
Metapodials, System of measurements

Phalanges I (System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English))

Saturday 10 October 2009
PhI, System of measurements

61 Phalanges II (System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English))

Saturday 10 October 2009
Ph II, System of measurements

Phalanges III (System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English))

Saturday 10 October 2009
Ph III, System of measurements

Radius (System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English))

Saturday 10 October 2009
Radius, System of measurements

Scapula and Pelvis (System of measurements for Equus bones and teeth (English))

Saturday 10 October 2009
Scapula, System of measurements

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