Véra Eisenmann
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Ratio diagrams, 8 variables

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Skull proportions, excluding the size of the preorbital ‘bar’ (32): Unclassified (Ratio diagrams, 8 variables)

Monday 31 May 2010
Unclassified. Five skulls remain unclassified using this kind of ratio diagram (Unclassified 1). Unclassified fragments. Fifteen other skulls were too fragmentary to be studied by this kind of ratio diagram (Unclassified 2).

Skull proportions, excluding the size of the preorbital ‘bar’ (32): Miohippus & Mesohippus (Ratio diagrams, 8 variables)

Monday 31 May 2010

Skull proportions, excluding the size of the preorbital ‘bar’ (32): Hypo, Mega, & Parahippus (Ratio diagrams, 8 variables)

Monday 31 May 2010

Skull proportions, excluding the size of the preorbital ‘bar’ (32): Dinohippus & Pliohippus (Ratio diagrams, 8 variables)

Monday 31 May 2010
Dinohippus and Pliohippus Dinohippus 11724, 87201, and Pliohippus 12998 have similar proportions (Dino-Plio 1) but only the last one has a well developped POF. Five other skulls are all different (Dino-Plio 2).

Skull proportions, excluding the size of the preorbital ‘bar’ (32): Group B (Ratio diagrams, 8 variables)

Monday 31 May 2010
Group B. B-1. Thirteen skulls referrable to Cormohipparion B, differ from the group A mostly by their longer naso-incisival notches. They tend also to have longer muzzles and shorter palates. B-2. Two skulls are similar but quite smaller. B-3. Five skulls have a long muzzle. B-4. One (…)

Skull proportions, excluding the size of the preorbital ‘bar’ (32): Group A (Ratio diagrams, 8 variables)

Monday 31 May 2010
Group A. A-1 : Height adult skulls and two juveniles may be easily referred to Cormohipparion A. They are characterized by relatively long palates (2), wide muzzles 15), and short naso-incisival notches (NNI=30). A-2 : Sixteen skulls are similar but smaller, and have a deeper naso-incisival (…)

Skull proportions, excluding the size of the preorbital ‘bar’ (32): Lakotahippus s.l. (Ratio diagrams, 8 variables)

Monday 31 May 2010
As the variation is the largest for measures of the fossa, especially its distance from the orbit (’bar’: mesure 32), I have drawn separate ratio digrams for other dimensions: 5=post-palatal length; 23=anterior ocular line; 2=palatal length; 1=muzzle length; 15=maximal muzzle breadth; 9=P2-M3 (…)

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