Accueil > Equidae monodactyles > Equidés monodactyles fossiles (Equus, Allohippus, (…) > Afrique de l’Est, East Africa > Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana
Equus from Galana Boi
mercredi 19 juillet 2017
Associated Upper and Lower Cheek teeth
KNM ER 4055, Galana Boi, (Fig. 58). The pattern of the upper cheek teeth is compatible with extant Equus burchelli and Equus grevyi. The size is intermediate. The lower premolar has a very high stem and reminds of Asses and some teeth from Garba IV at Melka Kunturé. The depth of the vestibular groove of the molars, however, is not an Asinine character.
Fig. 58
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fr Equidae monodactyles Equidés monodactyles fossiles (Equus, Allohippus, (…) Afrique de l’Est, East Africa Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana ?
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