Véra Eisenmann
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Afrique de l’Est, East Africa

Articles in this section

Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Introduction (Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Southern Ethiopia)

Tuesday 3 October 2017
This article is entirely based on the data kindly given to me by Hideo Nakaya many years ago. The raw measurements are Tables A and B. In the following study I describe the fossils of Konso referring to the chronological order given by Gen Suwa et al., 2003: – Interval 1, KGA 4 loality, (…)

Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Interval 1 (Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Southern Ethiopia)

Tuesday 3 October 2017
Earlier Fauna, Interval 1, KGA 4 locality, around 1.9 My old Metacarpals There are six fragments, KGA 4-359, KGA 4-1801, and KGA 4-2179 and (Fig. 1). The diaphysis of KGA 4-2179 is abnormally flat. Its distal dimensions as well as that of KGA 4-1801 are much smaller than in KGA 4-359. (…)

Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Interval 3 (Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Southern Ethiopia)

Tuesday 3 October 2017
Interval 3, KGA 4HA locality, around 1.5 My old Two fragments of MC, KGA 4HA-1221 and 1227 are not informative.

Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Interval 4 (Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Southern Ethiopia)

Tuesday 3 October 2017
Interval 4, KGA 10 and 11 localities, around 1.42 My old Metacarpals Nine MC out from eleven are wide and flat in the diaphysis (measures 3 and 4), have large supra-articular widths (10), and relatively large maximal condylar depths (14-13). Some have also deep keels (12). The only (…)

Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Interval 5 (Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Southern Ethiopia)

Tuesday 3 October 2017
Interval 5, KGA 12, around 1.3 My old Metacarpals Three specimens (Fig. 12) have relatively flat and wide diaphyses, wide suptra-articular breadths and deep keels.. Metatarsals They are robust, with wide suptra-articular breadths, and deeper diaphyses than most of Konso metapodials. (…)

Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Interval 4 or 5 (Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Southern Ethiopia)

Tuesday 3 October 2017
Interval 4 or 5, KGA 7/8 localities Cranium The data (Table A) and photographs of the cranium KGA 8-374 were kindly communicated by Dr Hideo Nakaya (Fig. 17). The cranium (Basilar Length : 529mm) is about the size of E. grevyi, complete, and belonged to an adult male. The cheek (measure (…)

Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Interval 6 (Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Southern Ethiopia)

Tuesday 3 October 2017
Interval 6, KGA 20, around 1 My old There is just one Talus resembling a large, fragmentary specimen from Olduvai Bed III-IV (Fig. 25).

Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Discussion (Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Southern Ethiopia)

Tuesday 3 October 2017
Discussion Gen Suwa et al., 2003 distinguish an earlier fauna, with endemic bovids, prior to 1.7 Ma, followed by “an influx of external elements…most likely related to a general East African trend of climatic drying†, resulting in “the post-1.5 Ma characterized by newly occurring taxa (…)

Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Conclusions (Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Southern Ethiopia)

Tuesday 3 October 2017
Conclusions The material from Konso comprises one beautiful cranium and many limb bones most of which are unfortunately fragmentary. The whole is not homogeneous. Most limb bones suggest the existence all through the sequence of a robust Equus. Only those from Interval 5, KGA 12 have (…)

Monodactyl Equids of East Turkana: Tables (Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana)

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Methods of measurements may be found at this web side inside the chapter "Tools".

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