Véra Eisenmann
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Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana

There is clear evidence for the presence at Koobi Fora of several monodactyl equids differing by size and morphology. One species is very large. This is also the only one for which the referral to Allohippus is certain. The other forms may belong as well to Allohippus as to Equus since we lack the diagnostic cranial characters. These forms are smaller and differ mainly by the morphology of their cheek teeth. In consequence there is no certainty as to which belong the limb bones; the referrings below may be wrong.

In this study I follow a chronological order in describing the fossils of Koobi Fora. In a separate article of this web site (“Morphological Characters†) I discuss and give tentative definitions of the “characters†I use in this and other studies.

 levels from under the KBS Member and /or Notochoerus scotti (NS) faunal zone, around 1.9 My old
 levels from Okote member and/or Metridiochoerus andrewsi (MA) faunal zone, around 1.4 My old
– levels from Chari Member and/or Metridiochoerus compactus (MC) faunal zone, around 1My old
 Guomde Formation, around 0.5 My old.
 Galana Boi, between 12 and 7 Ka BP.

Articles in this section

Monodactyl Equids of East Turkana: Tables (Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana)

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Methods of measurements may be found at this web side inside the chapter "Tools".

Summary (Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana)

Wednesday 19 July 2017
1. In East Turkana, at Koobi Fora, inside levels about 1.9 My old, were found remains of a very large Allohippus : A. koobiforensis. The patterns of its upper and lower cheek teeth were different from usual Allohippine patterns. At the same time there lived at Koobi Fora a smaller monodactyl (…)

Equus cf. burchelli from MA and MC zones (Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana)

Wednesday 19 July 2017
Tibia KNM ER 1277 is a perfectly preserved Tibia (Fig. 59, 60) resembling a large E. burchelli. Fig. 59 Fig. 60 “Associated†First Phalanges The association of KNM ER 2678 Ph1 (MC zone, Sub Chari, Area 6 A) is certainly wrong (Fig. 61). In an Equus individual, Anterior Ph1 are never (…)

Equus from Galana Boi (Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana)

Wednesday 19 July 2017
Associated Upper and Lower Cheek teeth KNM ER 4055, Galana Boi, (Fig. 58). The pattern of the upper cheek teeth is compatible with extant Equus burchelli and Equus grevyi. The size is intermediate. The lower premolar has a very high stem and reminds of Asses and some teeth from Garba IV at (…)

Monodactyl Equids from Guomde (Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana)

Wednesday 19 July 2017
KNM ER 2658 are associated one upper premolar and two lower premolars (Fig. 56). The enamel is very plicated like in the Sussemione-like teeth of Figure 54. The protocone is long and indented, like in A. koobiforensis (Fig. 4). Fig. 56 Surprisingly enough, from the Guomde Formation, Area (…)

Monodactyl Equids from MC Zone (Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana)

Wednesday 19 July 2017
Associated Upper and Lower Cheek Teeth KNM ER 2652 are an upper right Premolar and the mesial half of a left Premolar (Fig.53). Fig. 53 Both are very plicated thus differing strongly from all the Koobi Fora specimens younger than NS zone. The pli caballin is wide at its base. Both teeth (…)

Incertae sedis from MA zone (Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana)

Wednesday 19 July 2017
Upper Cheek Teeth Some teeth from MA zone resemble A. koobiforensis by long and indented protocones but differ by shallow post-protoconal grooves and smaller size (Fig. 32). Fig. 32 Lower Cheek Teeth (Fig. 33) Both teeth from MA zone are very probably molars because of their elongated (…)

?Allohippus sp. from MA zone (Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana)

Wednesday 19 July 2017
Upper Cheek Teeth Morphologies similar to ?Allohippus sp. from NS zone are found in MA zone: KNM ER 2688, 2691, and 4025; the decidual FS 75 2 has no origin (Fig. 28). Fig. 28 Associated Limb bones KNM ER 1275 are associated MC, MT, phalanges, and Tarsals (Fig. 29). Fig. 29 – The (…)

?Allohippus sp. from MA zone (Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana)

Wednesday 19 July 2017
Upper Cheek Teeth Morphologies similar to ?Allohippus sp. from NS zone are found in MA zone: KNM ER 2688, 2691, and 4025; the decidual FS 75 2 has no origin (Fig. 28). Fig. 28 Associated Limb bones KNM ER 1275 are associated MC, MT, phalanges, and Tarsals (Fig. 29). Fig. 29 – The (…)

Allohippus cf. koobiforensis from MA and MC zones (Monodactyl Equids from East Turkana)

Wednesday 19 July 2017
Cranial fragment KNM ER 1211 (Area 01, MA) belonged to a young adult. Fig. 22 Although it is crushed some dimensions can be measured or estimated. Clearly this specimen is much smaller than A. koobiforensis but, as much as can be seen, has similar proportions (Fig. 23). Fig. 23 Muzzle (…)

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