Véra Eisenmann

Monodactyl Equids from Konso, Interval 4

mardi 3 octobre 2017

Interval 4, KGA 10 and 11 localities, around 1.42 My old


Nine MC out from eleven are wide and flat in the diaphysis (measures 3 and 4), have large supra-articular widths (10), and relatively large maximal condylar depths (14-13). Some have also deep keels (12).
The only entire MC (KGA 10-904) seems smaller and less robust.
Its proportions are A. stenonis-like.
KGA 10-698 was commented above.

One of the nine MT (KGA 10-1403-82) is very large. Another (KGA 10-1572) is narrower and relatively deeper in the diaphysis than the others.

One is very large and wide, probably associated with the MT KGA 10-1403-82. The rest belong to a more slender form. Two are probaly left and right of the same animal (KGA 10-2310 and 2410).

One (out of four) is very large and is probably associated with Talus KGA 10-1403.

First Posterior Phalanx
KGA 10-1403 looks like a very large E. burchelli granti (Fig. 11).

To summarize :
Like during Interval 1, there is evidence for at least two forms :
  one specimen (KGA 10-1572) with a deep diaphysis (usually associated with slenderness) ;
  the very large associated robust MT, Talus, Calcaneum, and Posterior Ph1 (KGA 10-1403 et al) ;
  the majority with wide and flat diaphyses (usually associated with robustness) similar but smaller than the precedent.

Documents joints

3 octobre 2017
info document : Excel
13.2 kio

3 octobre 2017
info document : Excel
15.3 kio

3 octobre 2017
info document : Excel
15.7 kio

3 octobre 2017
info document : Excel
18.6 kio

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