Véra Eisenmann

Hipparions from Omo, Introduction

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Equids from Omo deposits were described by Hooijer (1975) and Eisenmann (1985).
The following articles on the web site are mainly photographs of the Hipparion material, personal and adapted from Hooijer, with few comments. Most of the photographs are natural size.

Joleaud (1933) described from Omo deposits a new taxon, Lybihipparion ethiopicum Fig.J1. Although the stratigraphic level is unknown, the description of some Equus fossils indicates that it was probably later than Shungura F since no Equus was found before Shungura G.

EISENMANN V., 1985. - Les Equidés des gisements de la vallée de l’Omo en Ethiopie (collections franà§aises). In : Les Faunes plio-pléistocènes de la basse vallée de l’Omo (Ethiopie), T. 1: Périssodactyles, Artiodactyles (Bovidae). Cah. Paléontol., Travaux de Paléontologie est africaine, Eds CNRS, Paris: 13-55, 14 fig., 5 pl., 21 tabl.

HOOIJER D.A., 1975. - Miocene to Pleistocene Hipparions of Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 142: 75p, 1 fig., 19 pl., 17 tabl.

JOLEAUD L., 1933. – Un nouveau genre d’Equidé Quaternaire de l’Omo (Abyssinie): Lybihipparion ethiopicum. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, S 5, t. III, 7-28, pl. I

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