Véra Eisenmann

Afrique du Nord, Equus melkiensis and E. aff. melkiensis, other North African occurences

Friday 13 March 2020 by Véra Eisenmann

Fossils resembling E. melkiensis are present at Guyotville Afrique du Nord, Guyotville (Aïn Benian) (lower series GUY 118, Mc GUY 403, Mt GUY405 and 406) ; Aà¯n Tit Mellil (Mt MOC 24 and 25) ; and Sidi Bou Knabel (upper premolar MOC 1964-1-192, lower molar without number, metacarpals MOC 1961-1-5 and 6, probably first phalanx 1961-1-183) ; at Mugharat Elalya, Tanger (first phalanx 2A/C B2/70) and Salé, Morocco (MC).

Fossils resembling E. aff. melkiensis are present at Guyotville [MC (GUY 399,400,401), MT (GUY 404), and small posterior phalanges (GUY 201, 470, 15, 16, 128, 129)]; Taforalt (posterior phalanx Tafo 7), and El Hahroura (posterior phalanx R9 19).

Attached documents

Aïn Tit Mellil, LMT

13 March 2020
info document : Excel
12.8 KiB

Tanger, LPh1

13 March 2020
info document : Excel
11.6 KiB

Sidi Bou Knabel, LPh1

13 March 2020
info document : Excel
12.8 KiB

Sidi Bou Knabel, LMC

13 March 2020
info document : Excel
15 KiB

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