Véra Eisenmann

Equus from Omo Valley, Introduction

Monday 18 May 2015

There is no Equus inside Omo deposits before member G of the Shungura Formation (Eisenmann, 1985). According to Table 1 of Alemseged (2003) Tuff G, at the base of member G, is 2.33 Ma old; member H is contemporary with The Olduvai event – 1.95 to 1.77 My.

Thanks to de Heinzelin (1983) many localities may be referred to various parts of Shungura members:
Lower-Middle G
 Omo 29 = G1-G5?
 Omo 1-b = G4-5
 Omo 195 = G7-8
 Omo 253 = G12
Upper G
 Omo 78 = G27-28
 Omo VEO = G27-28
 Omo K11 = Upper G
Lower H
 P764 = Hi
Above L9
- K7
The photographs will be presented in that order.

Some localities belong in member G without more precision:
 Omo 75
 Omo 113
 Omo 215
I have no information on material collected in 1933, published by Joleaud (1933) or on K20.


EISENMANN V., 1985. - Les Equidés des gisements de la vallée de l’Omo en Ethiopie (collections franà§aises). In : Les Faunes plio-pléistocènes de la basse vallée de l’Omo (Ethiopie), T. 1: Périssodactyles, Artiodactyles (Bovidae). Cah. Paléontol., Travaux de Paléontologie est africaine, Eds CNRS, Paris: 13-55, 14 fig., 5 pl., 21 tabl.

HEINZELIN J. de, 1983. – The Omo Group. Archives of the International Omo Research Expedition.

JOLEAUD L., 1933. – Un nouveau genre d’Equidé Quaternaire de l’Omo (Abyssinie): Lybihipparion ethiopicum. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, S 5, t. III, 7-28, pl. I.

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