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Historic Equus of Ukraine and Russia
Saturday 1 March 2014
It seems that the Tarpan phenotype is not uncommon in Russia and Ukraine at historic times.
In Kiev, (Institute of Archeology collections).
- From Vyshgorod (X° AD) there are upper cheek teeth with very short protocones
- From Voijn (XI°-XIII° AD) one metacarpal resembles the type Tarpan.
- From Shchuchinka (XII° AD) one metacrapal is almost identical to the type Tarpan.
In Iakutsk one cranium (XVIII° AD) is almost identical to the type Tarpan.
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en Equidae monodactyles Equidés monodactyles fossiles (Equus, Allohippus, (…) Russie, Géorgie, Ukraine, Sibérie, Mongolie Historic and Prehistoric Equus of Ukraine and Russia Historic ?
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