Véra Eisenmann
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Beisamoun, Israel

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Beisamun Ph1 (Beisamoun, Israel)

Friday 8 June 2012

Beisamun Introduction (Beisamoun, Israel)

Friday 8 June 2012
Beisamun is an Israelian Neolithic site. I know only about two first phalanges (anterior and posterior) probably belonging to the same animal. They were marked as coming from the PPNB level. Metric data and Simpson’s ratio diagram indicate that they belonged to an E. hemionus. The most similar (…)

Beisamoun Introduction (Beisamoun, Israel)

Friday 8 June 2012
Beisamoun est un site Néolithique d’Israel. Je n’en connais que deux premières phalanges, l’une antérieure, l’autres postérieure, probablement du màªme animal. Elles proviendraient du niveau PPNB. Les dimensions et les diagrammes de Simpson correspondants indiquent qu’elles appartenanient à un (…)

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