Véra Eisenmann
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Equidés monodactyles fossiles (Equus, Allohippus, Plesippus, Hippidion)

Articles in this section

Kuruksai, First Phalanges (Kuruksai)

Friday 16 April 2021 by Véra Eisenmann
FIRST PHALANGES (Table 6, Figures 26 and 27) Most posterior Ph1 are robust and and resemble the average posterior Ph1 of Allohippus vireti from Saint-Vallier, France. PIN 3120-329 is slender, possibly associated with the slender MT no N°, and has some similarities with the posterior Ph1 PO 132 (…)

Kuruksai, Metapodials (Kuruksai)

Friday 16 April 2021 by Véra Eisenmann
METACARPALS (Table 4) There are three different morphologies. – Most specimens have wide and rather shallow distal ends (Fig. 12). Some of them can be seen on Figure 13. A distal fragment of MC from Montopoli is the closest I could find. – Two specimens have deep proximal ends (Fig. 14). – (…)

Kuruksai, Cheek teeth (Kuruksai)

Friday 16 April 2021 by Véra Eisenmann
UPPER CHEEK TEETH (Table 3) Their morphology (Fig. 7, 8, 9) is usual for Allohippus, except for the longer protocones on molars. The size of PIN 3120-501 is very large. LOWER CHEEK TEETH The double knot is typically Allohippine but the shallow vestibular froove on molars is not (Fig. 10, (…)

Kuruksai, Introduction (Kuruksai)

Friday 16 April 2021 by Véra Eisenmann
THE EQUIDS FROM KURUKSAI Loc. 73 (TADJIKISTAN, RUSSIA) There have been several interpretations of the number and systematic status of these equids believed to be older than the Olduvai Episode. The most recent (Forsten and Sharapov, 2000) accepts the presence of one large and one small (…)

Kuruksai, Crania and Mandibles (Kuruksai)

Friday 16 April 2021 by Véra Eisenmann
CRANIA (Table 1) – Two crania (PIN 3120-319 and 360) belong to the same species (Fig. 1 and 2). They are very similar to the cranium ZIN 31078 from Khapry (Fig. 3). – PIN 3120-320 (Fig. 4) differs by the shortness of its palate may still belong to the same taxon. – But PIN no N° is much (…)

Hay Springs Attention! (Hay Springs, Stilt legged Horses)

Monday 1 June 2020 by Véra Eisenmann
I am currently re-working the whole Hay Springs matter. It will take several weeks to complete the job. All articles dealing with Hay Springs will probably be modified. Sorry...

Hay Springs, Stilt legged Horses, Metatarsals (Hay Springs, Stilt legged Horses)

Sunday 3 May 2020 by Véra Eisenmann

Hay Springs, Stilt legged Horses, Metacarpals (Hay Springs, Stilt legged Horses)

Saturday 2 May 2020 by Véra Eisenmann

Hay Springs, Stilt legged Horses, Upper Cheek Teeth (Hay Springs, Stilt legged Horses)

Saturday 2 May 2020 by Véra Eisenmann

Hay Springs, Stilt legged Horses, Crania (Hay Springs, Stilt legged Horses)

Saturday 2 May 2020 by Véra Eisenmann

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