Véra Eisenmann

Kuruksai, Metapodials

Friday 16 April 2021 by Véra Eisenmann

There are three different morphologies.
 Most specimens have wide and rather shallow distal ends (Fig. 12). Some of them can be seen on Figure 13. A distal fragment of MC from Montopoli is the closest I could find.
 Two specimens have deep proximal ends (Fig. 14).
 According to Sharapov’s data, the distal keel is very developed in the slender 1-13/N (Fig. 15) and in the much smaller I-213/N and I-214/N (Fig. 16). MC as slender as I-13/N may be found in Allohippus sp. from Loc B (China) and from Liventsovka (Russia).

 Most MT are robust, wide at their proximal and distal ends, and with very shallow distal depths (Fg. 17). Marked with asterix are the specimens photograped on Figures 18, 19, and 20.
 Five are smaller and slenderer but with similar shallow distal ends (Fig. 21). The photo of PIN 3120-244 is in Figure 22.
 Six are very small, slender, and with deep extremties (Fig. 23). The photographs of PIN 3120-329 and the MT without number are in Figures 24 and 25.


Attached documents

Table 5, Kuruksai, MT III

16 April 2021
info document : Excel
13.6 KiB

Table 4, Kuruksai, MC III

16 April 2021
info document : Excel
12.3 KiB

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