Véra Eisenmann

Comparisons with Old World Hipparions

Thursday 3 June 2010

The scatter diagram SD-6 shows that (as far as I know) all Old World Hipparion skulls belong to Group B except H. prostylum (Lubéron LY 592) which has the same proportions as Group A-8 ( Ratio diagram A-8 and H. prostylum).

 H. hendeyi (Langebaanweg E 22187), although larger, resembles Cormohipparion B (Xmas 71800 and H. hendeyi).

 H. weihohense (AMNH 63702) is not very different from Group B-3 (B-3 and H. weihohense).

 H. dietrichi (n=3-14) belongs in Group B-5 (B-5 and H. dietrichi).

 H. catalaunicum (Hostalets BM 16397) is very much larger but not too different from Lakotahippus-like Kalobatippus and Protohippus (Lakotahippus-like and H. catalaunicum).

 The skulls of H. turkanense, H. primigenium, H. perimense (Old World 1) and of H. moldavicum, H. africanum, as well as the skulls from Maragha (BM 3924) and Piera (10032 and 630) do not resemble any Northamerican skull Group B morph (Old World 2).

Attached documents

Old World skulls 1

3 June 2010
info document : Excel
45 KiB

Old World skulls 2

3 June 2010
info document : Excel
48 KiB

H. catalaunicum and Lakotahippus-like skulls

3 June 2010
info document : Excel
59.5 KiB

H. dietrichi and Group B-5

3 June 2010
info document : Excel
78 KiB

H. weihohense and Group B-3

3 June 2010
info document : Excel
47.5 KiB

H. hendeyi and Cormohipparion B

3 June 2010
info document : Excel
40.5 KiB

H. prostylum and Group A-8

3 June 2010
info document : Excel
75 KiB

Scatter diagram 6

3 June 2010
info document : Excel
77 KiB

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